Welcome to to the Florida Gulf Coast Chapter of Phi Alpha Delta.
PAD is the world's largest law fraternity with over 250,000 initiated members, 200 pre-law chapters, 183 law school chapters, and 95 alumni chapters
Phi Alpha Delta is for everyone who is interested in law or politics. It is a great way to get involved through fundraising, volunteering or just having fun! Phi Alpha Delta also gives you the opportunity to meet lawyers, judges and other people of the law or politics profession!
If you have any questions please e-mail our President Auggie Osowicka at padpresidentfgcu@gmail.com or any officer under the "Officers" tab.
Our meetings are held every Wednesday from 4-5pm in
Every one is welcome to come out to our meetings and see what we are all about.
If you haven't Join our yahoo group, please do so! This is where a lot of communication will happen!