So, you're either new to our fraternity and want to know what to do to become a member or you've already been inducted and want to know how to keep your membership. Either way, just look below to see what you have to do! New Members**:
lnducted Members**:
*: Membership dues for Spring of 2008 are due no later than February 6, 2008 in order to waive the late fee. However, if you cannot pay during that time, you will have a two week period, between February 7, 2008 - February 20, 2008, to pay your membership dues along with a fee of $5 dollars a day added onto what you would normally pay! Max late fee $10.00 **: If you have any questions at all about the payment of dues, please contact our Treasurer, Corey Huffman, by e-mailing him at Note to all members from our President: Even though the requirements for becoming inducted as a new member or retaining your membership as an inducted member are listed above, they are not set in stone. The reason being, we as an executive board understand that as college students we all have so much on our plates and sometimes it will be hard to accomplish all the requirements for joining. So please, if you feel that you can't attend all the events or for some reason cannot afford to pay your membership dues, please email me at and let me know your situation. I will do my best to make sure that no matter what your situation is, you will be able to become inducted in the world's largest and oldest pre-law fraternity! Auggie Osowicka Points System To determine the retention of membership for inducted members we utilize a points system. Points are distributed at all of our events whether it is a meeting, speaker, social, fundraiser, or philanthropic event. Point Distribution:
Important Documents A great way to become more involved and aware of what Phi Alpha Delta has to offer is to check out the following reading material: Other Downloadable Forms: